About me

My name is Veronica Boldrin and I was born in Padova in 1971. In recent years I have been living in Parma, the pleasure-loving city “par excellence” (especially for gastronomy). If I had to describe my life in a few words, I would define it as a ‘space for experimentation’.
Professionally speaking, I work in the Communication field. I am a freelance journalist and professional partner in FERPI (Italian Federation of Public Relations). I started my career path when I was very young and I have always been moved by great passion and enthusiasm. At 14 I knocked on the door of the editorial staff of a local periodical newspaper. They let me in. And there is where my working experience started. I have been a Consultant, of Corporate and Brand Communication, Press Office, PR and I have been taking care of events for Firms, Start Up, Professional Studios, Public and Private bodies, as well as of conception, management and promotion of projects in the cultural, educational and scientific research fields for over 25 years.
Creative, exuberant, curious, at times a little naive, never tired of observing, touching, understanding, looking for new things and experiences in my areas of interest: my job, good food, wine, journeys, quality raw materials, culture, the art of hospitality, events planning.
Travelling on a constant basis allowed me to experiment and study, to research, to dig deeper, also following my instinct, my taste, my passion and all that I am fervent about, which are -from my point view- the only real indicators of genuine happiness.
Over time, more friends and acquaintances started contacting me for advices and suggestions about where to eat well, where to sleep comfortably, what bottle of wine to pick or what type of oil to use.
All that lead me to the creation of this blog: The Food Driver.
The reasons behind are simple: I want to share my paths and my journeys, chasing emotions and experiences, in the hope to donate a part of them to others.
If you want to visit an unknown, undiscovered place, if you want to try and experience something new and different -with the certainty that it is unlikely to disappoint you-, if you are looking for hints…well, then go browse in my notes and writings, look for a city name or a restaurant or a generic dish in the search engine…read my stories and… experiment!
It feels opportune to underline the fact that these are not real ‘reviews’ -I do not have the expertise for those- rather genuine hints and suggestions, dictated by my approach to flavors, to odors, to sight, to things…to life.
If you want to keep up with my journey on this blog, subscribe and receive the updates (here the contacts): if you don’t find a place among my stories, send me an e-mail and I will tell you everything there is to know about it!
Enjoy the reading and enjoy the ride!