I have tried many, in a lot of places, all over the world. Yet, it is only one the hamburger that wins my heart, my eyes, my palate and nose: the one from DAMBURGER.
It is called this way since it was created by the skillful hands of the Damini brothers, Gian Pietro and Giorgio, owners of the homonymous butcher shop in Arzignano (Vicenza), the first one in Europe obtaining a Michelin star.
The beef, from which Damburger is made, is the Limousine (a French breed born and farmed in Italy), aged perfectly. Damburger is composed by three different cuts, plate, chuck and foreshank… the other ingredients are a secret.
Great research and attention are the foundation of the Damini butcher shop. A lot of experience, passed down from one generation to the other, lead to the valorization of small breeders, more attentive to the well-being of the animals and their nutrition.
The wonderful thing about Damburger is that it is accessible to everyone. And I am not talking only about price. What I am referring to is that there is no need to travel to Arzignano to taste this product (even though I suggest visiting it one day). In fact, Damburger -as well as all the other products of the Damini shop- can be ordered online, by writing to the address info@daminieaffini.com, specifying in the subject line ORDER WITH DELIVERY. Their kind and efficient service will allow you to taste the king of burgers directly in your home. On the website www.daminieffini.com you can find the prices of the products as well as of the delivery.
Now, a recommendation: the DAMBURGER is to be served EXCLUSIVELY on a bed of homemade mashed potatoes (not the one from a bag…. Have mercy! But one made with good potatoes and extra fresh milk and butter). To cook it masterfully, it is sufficient to have a non-stick pan, covered with a layer of parchment paper, on which you will place your burgers. Cook for 3 minutes on each side, or more if you don’t like them rare. However… don’t cook them too much.
Then, when your burger is ready and already set on its soft mashed potatoes bed, take a piece, close your eye, smell first and then slowly taste it…the intense yet not aggressive flavor, the tenderness of the meat that almost melts in your mouth, the juices of the meat overwhelming your taste buds…
At home, the kids like eating it in front of the tv, while sitting on the floor… I have no idea why… but I guess they feel like being in a cabrio at the Drive In!
There is not much else to add, except… Enjoy your DAMburger!